​Six Mile Walk

​Six Mile Walk

Our Six Mile Walk is in September each year.

If you are enthused, then walk with us. If you have that mental rush, come walk. 

Walk uphill, downhill, on river stones and bedrocks. Walk with us and get in shape. 

Enjoy the Beauty of the earth and fill your soul with Gladness. 

Meet the songbirds, greet the leaves, smell the flowers, hug the trees, and feel the breeze. Walk with us, sit with us and Lunch on the forest floor beneath old oak trees.

Watch the water struggle over the rocks, then chorus over the falls. This reminds us that not just us have struggles in life.

Walk with us and meet the lilies in the valley. Meet Rose, Dahlia, Daisy, Jasmine, Camellia, Heather, Cherry, Violet and Rosemary. Oh they are so sweet!

Walk with us on a moonlit night, from dust to dawn. Don't be afraid of the dark. Turn on your healing light with the moonlight.

22nd Mar 2023 Herbal Tea House

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