Fibroid Program

  • Give your body an inner vacation
  • Go on a short liquid diet for 24 hours to cleanse excess acid wastes.
  • Drink a glass of fresh potassium rich juice, three times during 24-hour
  • Must stay away from excess acid-forming foods like caffeine, sugary, fatty foods and fried foods.
  • NO ANIMAL PROTEIN during liquid diet
Are caused by excess estrogen that is not metabolized smoothly by the liver. Avoid synthetic estrogens if possible. All animal protein (non-vegetarians) must be “hormone” “antibiotic” free. Man-made estrogens can stack the deck against women by raising their estrogen levels hundreds of times over normal, giving rise to fibroids and other ailments.
  • GREEN SCRUB:   To help drain excess lymph fluid, detoxify and support liver function. The liver metabolize excess estrogen. This helps prevent the formation of fibroids. Also helps to neutralize toxins.
  • MEADOWGREENS:   One tablespoon in water or a natural alkalizing juice.
  • HTH PANCREAS ENZYMES: Take one tablet before every meal. To help dissolve adhesions more be necessary. Coffee aggravates fibroids, so if you drink coffee, reduce the consumption immediately. Increase your intake of high fiber foods.
          (normalize hormones) 
          Primary Herbs: bissy, red clover, red raspberry, burdock, milk thistle, dandelion root, stinging nettles,
          white oak bark, yellow dock root.  
          Secondary Herbs: turmeric, black walnut and sea kelp
          To make: place one tablespoon of herbs in one cup of boiling water. Simmer for five minutes. Steep
          for 5 minutes. Strain and drink. If sweetener is desired, use raw honey
          Drink one to two cups daily. Do not take during menstrual cycle.
  • Wheat Germ Oil (cold pressed)
          Take one tablespoon at dinner. One tablespoon is equivalent to being in an oxygen tent for thirty 
          minutes. Rich in natural vitamin E. improves circulation and help to heal adhesions.
  • Fibroid Massage Oil Compresses:  Apply once a week
     1. Soy products are not recommended
     2. Follow a low fat mostly vegetarian diet. High fats unbalanced estrogen levels, a clear cause of fibroids.
     3. Drink plenty of water, coconut water, eat cantaloupe, watermelon, and carrot juice daily.
     4. Get most of your protein from: grains, sprouts, seeds, seafoods, hormone free dairy and poultry.
     5. Increase your intake of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts 
         and high fiber foods like apples which increase estrogen excretion
     6. Lots of green leafy vegetables to help optimize liver functions.
     7. Increase B vitamin-rich foods - brown rice, wheat germ, wheat germ oil, and Brewer’s yeast
     8. Upon rising have a cup of warm water with a squeeze of fresh lemon and water. Do this 5 mornings a 
         week. The other days just have a glass of pure distilled water upon rising.
     9. Coffee aggravates fibroids, so if you drink coffee, reduce the consumption immediately. You may also 
         substitute roasted dandelion root tea, or kola nut tea.
    10. Increase your intake of high fiber foods.
  • POTASSIUM-RICH FOODS: cantaloupe, papaya, Brussels sprouts, ripe bananas, dates, winter squashes, spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, legumes, parsley, garlic and onions.
  • MAGNESIUM- RICH FOODS :strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapples, bananas, beets, bananas, dried apricots, mangoes, green leafy vegetables, especially collards, mustard greens, lentils, pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, wakame and dulse
  • Blend a large cucumber in a blender full of distilled water and drink at least two days a week..
  • Non –vegetarian-All animal protein food must be “hormone” and “antibiotic” free.
  • Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seed and flaxseeds make a good snack or blend in a natural almond milk and drink.
  • Even low doses of radiation may increase risk of fibroids. 
  • STAY AWAY FROM MUCUOS FORMING FOODS, like white rice, white sugar, and white flour.
BATH (alkalizing)
Add 1pound of Epsom Salt and 1 pound of baking soda to a tub of very warm water. Soak for 20 minutes. Let out water, then showers so that your body does not reabsorb wastes.
BATH (alkalizing)
Two hands full of Sea kelp to tub of warm water. Immerse yourself for 20 minutes. Let water out. Then shower, so that your body does not reabsorb waste. Massage skin with wheat germ oil.
BATH (neutralizing)
Add 1 pound of baking soda to a tub of very warm water. Soak for 20 minutes. Let water out. Then shower, so your body does not reabsorb wastes that was pulled through the skin.  Do this bath for five days. Then do the detoxifying bath on the weekend.
BATH (detoxifying)
Helps the body eliminate acid waste through the skin. Add 1pound of Epsom Salt and 1 pound of baking soda to a tub of very warm water. Soak for 20 minutes. Let out water. Then shower, so your body does not reabsorb wastes that was pulled through the skin. While in tub massage your groins to help release lymphatic wastes. As wastes is eliminated you may feel drained and very relaxed. Have a mineral drink after bath.
Program $200.00
After 6 weeks Call with a progress